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mother country 本國〔對殖民地說〕,母國〔對私人說〕;父母之邦;發祥地。

mother earth

From 1960s ’ , there was many theory on fdi . most of these theories are pay much attention to the mother country ’ s reason , region and structure of aboard investment . seldom , their study of the combination of the economic increase and the amount of fdi by other developing country is useless for china , especially on the study of brings in foreign capital and effect of economy growth 從20世紀60年代開始,西方已經形成了各種各樣的國際直接投資理論或學說,這些有關國際直接投資的研究大多是從投資國的角度出發,研究其對外投資的動因、流向、區位結構等現象,而鮮少有關東道國投資需求的研究,對中國上世紀90年代以來出現的引資熱及其所產生的經濟增長效應的規范化研究就更少了。

At the beginning of 21st centuries , multinational corporation changed their r & d center layout tradition that setting up r & d center in mother country . according the comparative advantage of human resource , te chnology ability and basic facilities in different host country , they established r & d organization in the world area and engaged in r & d work of new technique and new product , that promote r & d activity of multinational corporation towards the direction of globalization 21世紀初,跨國公司一改以往以母國為技術研究和開發中心的傳統布局,根據不同的東道國在人才、科技實力以及科研基礎設施上的比較優勢,在全球范圍內有組織地設立科研機構,從事新技術、新產品的研究與開發工作,以促進跨國公司的研究與開發活動朝著全球化的方向發展。

The paper includes six parts . it analyses and concludes the theory of the international direct investment form the two aspects of the mother country and the host country in part one . in part two it analyses the advantages and disadvantages in bringing in the investment to shanxi province by comparing with shandong province , the by reading the case of shanxi province we draw the conclusion that we should make the best use of the advantages and bypass the disadvantages , bringing the area preponderance into play . in part three it reviews the developmentral stage of the the foreign investment in shanxi province , then analyses the features of its source , its developmental tendency and its trade . in part four , it analyses the cases which show shanxi ' s achievement in foreign investment . in part five , based on analysing the features and achievements of foreign investment in shanxi province , it summarizes the main problems in the foreign trades man investment . in part six , it puts forward some suggestions on how to bring in foreign investment and to deal with the current situation and problems 本文把山西省作為內陸資源大省的代表,以外商投資為研究對象,對外商投資的特點、區域差異、績效進行系統的研究,目的在于為山西省找出問題,提出對策,更好地為地方經濟建設服務。全文分六部分,第一部分從輸出國與東道國兩方面來分析歸納國際直接投資的理論,為如何恰當地引資進行鋪墊,也為全文分析和研究提供理論基礎。第二部分是通過與山東省的對比,分析山西省引資的優勢和劣勢,然后以陜西省的實例得出要揚長避短,發揮地區優勢。

Mutual existence . the third section expounds how tnc challenges and impacts the sovereignty of nation from host country and mother country , and enumerates lots of concrete conflicts and contradictions between them . then , this article point out that nation responses to the challenge of tnc and restricts it . because it is benefit to mother country that tnc develops business toward oversea 第二節則在理論上提出了跨國公司與民族國家關系三種模式: 1 、主權面臨困境模式; 2 、依賴模式: 3 、相互依存模式;第三章分別從東道國和母國兩個方面闡述跨國公司對國家主權的挑戰和侵蝕,列舉了跨國公司與國家的具體矛盾沖突,以及民族國家對跨國公司挑戰的回應和規制。

Cbm & as have already become the important issue to the international community which must severally face and make a deep research on it . this dissertation along with a logic line of concept , theories , decision , operation , risk , empirical study , makes use of the economics , management , financial engineering , option theories , games theories and methodologies , analyzes the basic issues such as concept , realistic meanings and confines with theories of cbm & as , constructs a driving wheel model , explores the main management activity as decision , operation and risk control , and finally makes cases study from the mother country and host country 本文沿著跨國并購概念?理論?決策?運行?風險?實證這一邏輯主線,綜合運用經濟學、管理學、金融工程、期權理論、博弈論等理論與方法,從跨國并購的基本內涵、現實意義和相關理論出發,構建了跨國并購驅動輪模型,并分別對跨國并購的主要管理活動即決策、運行和風險控制進行了研究和探討,最后從母國和東道國兩個角度對跨國并購進行了實證分析,提出了一些新的理論模型和方法。

The year of the berlin wall was trod , there was a tragedy happened in my mother country , my mother wept for watching tv s news report there were a lot of hong kong giant stars participating the great free - ticket variety show in the causeway bay victoria park at that year , i was nine 東德蹋下圍墻的那年,我們祖國也發生了一件驚天動世的悲劇,我媽媽看著電視的新聞報導流淚了很多的香港演藝巨星也跑到銅鑼灣的維多利亞公園做了一場盛大的免費大匯演我那年只有九歲。

It is highly concentrated in the mother country . but since 90s of last century , along with economic globalization development the multinational corporation realized the technique is more and more important to international competitive advantage of themselves 但是, 20世紀90年代以來,全球經濟一體化加劇,隨著以知識的生產、傳播及應用為基礎的知識經濟的到來,信息化的飛速發展,跨國公司越來越認識到技術對企業保持國際競爭優勢的重要意義。

Unlike other colonies , hong kong never fell for the idea that its mother country was a damp set of islands in the north atlantic whose people played cricket ? it always had a perfectly good mother country of its own 那里沒有中國人,現在也只有總數7百萬中的7 %左右,還沒有一個小的少數民族多,不同與其它的殖民地, ,香港從未愛上它們的祖國是北大西洋外的一組潮濕小島的想法,那里的人玩板球- -它一直都有一個它自己的完美的好祖國。

The effects of fdi also were classified as enterprise effect , host - country effect and mother country effect according to the three bodies involved in fdi . this method is completely in line with the method adopted in the analysis on the motive factor and condition of fdi 企業效應、東道國效應和母國效應是從對外直接投資所涉及的三維主體角度所做的效應分類,這與對外直接投資的動因和條件分析的思路和角度都是吻合的。

It was caused by colonial resentment at the contemporary attitude that commercial or industrial interests of any colony should be subordinate to those of the mother country , and the unwillingness of the colonists to pay for a permanent army 戰爭的原因是基于對當時殖民者認為一切殖民地的商業和工業利益需服從于英國的態度的反對,也由于殖民地人民拒絕為長期的軍隊支付軍餉。

Though more numerous than the thracian turks , the albanians in greece have less power , for they lack the support of a strong mother country and the economic resources available to those who have lived in the same place for a long time 他們人口比西色雷斯土耳其人多,但沒什么權利地位,因為他們背后沒有一個強大祖國的支持,也沒有經濟來源保證他們在一個地方長期生活。

Based on this conclusion we can infer that distinguish the universal bank should according its extent of universal other than its mother country ' s financial system . this conclusion is very important for the later research 由此推導出,對全能銀行的研究應針對的是該銀行本身的“全能”程度,而不應單純根據母國實行的是何種體制來對其進行劃分。

Seven years on , we take pride in every remarkable achievement our mother country has made . we appreciate the earnest care and strong support it bestows on us 七年來,我們為國家在每一方面所取得的成就感到驕傲,我們亦充分體會到國家對我們的深切關懷和有力支持。

Canada was still regarded in london as a dominion which would always come to the aid of the mother country without asking too many questions , but times had changed 倫敦仍把加拿大看作其自治領地,對援助母國會不加疑問,招之即來,然而時代已經變了。

This is the story of four as aspiring young men striving to fight to their own goals . kui and his family are intent upon emigrating to mother country 本片描寫四個高中畢業熱愛音樂的青年beyond :駒強榮及中,為追尋自己的理想目標。

The development of national area is significant to vindicate mother country ' s unification , social stabilization and realize countrywide modernization 民族地區的發展對維護祖國統一和社會穩定、實現全國的現代化有著至關重要的作用。

The enumeration11 of certain products requiring direct shipment to england suggests their special mportance from the perspective of the mother country 定須直接運到英國的特種產品清單說明這些商品對于母國來說特別重要。

When i stepped out from the airplane in the beijing airport , i touched the soil of beijing and felt great joy to return to my mother country 甫出機場,接觸到首都的泥土,回到了祖國母親的懷抱,我心潮澎湃,激動萬分。

The enumeration of certain products requiring direct shipment to england suggests their special importance from the perspective of the mother country 列出須直接運到英國的商品清單說明這些商品對于母國來說特別重要。